

Growth Holdings founder Philippe Ziade is the initiator of Invest to Stay, a project set up in close cooperation with the Lebanese Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Emigrants. The program seeks to encourage the Lebanese diaspora – conservatively estimated at some eight to ten million people worldwide – to invest in the ‘old country’ and offer its young people an opportunity to secure their future. Invest to Stay comprises a number of initiatives such as the Lebanese Tech Hub which was set up with the help of local universities. Students are invited and encouraged to apply for internships at major international companies that Invest to Stay has engaged to offer young people a chance of acquiring skills and gaining experience in business. In return, participating companies pay the tuition fees of their interns. Invest to Stay emphasizes innovation and technologies as keys to both Lebanon’s future and that of the country’s up and coming generation. At the tech hub, students may follow a curriculum that dovetails with the needs of industry. This ensures that young people gain a skill set that enables them to start a promising career. Courses delve into advanced topics such as artificial intelligence, machine learning, coding, and graphic design, amongst others.